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Veteran vs Rookie

Byemoor, AB - Bull Riders Canada is pleased to welcome back the Sullivan Lake West Agricultural Society and the Byemoor Bull A Rama!

There were no superstitions flying on this Friday, April 13th - at least not that the fans in the stands could see. With eight qualified rides in the Long Round, followed by two more in the Canadian Global Championship Round, the Bull Riders and Bulls put on a great show.

Veteran Chase Thielen of Milk River, AB was sitting in a great spot after the Long Round of competition, were an 83 point effort on BCMs Haunted, saw him tied for first place with Bradley Ingersoll of Whitecourt, AB.

It was in the Canadian Global Championship Round were it would come down to the veteran Chase Thielen and the rookie, Luke Ferber. A mere 1.5 points in Chase's favor would separate them in their combined scores on two head, after they both wowed the crowd with spectacular rides.

"It sure helps with the rest of the Season. Gives you kind of a head start from everybody else. It's pretty nice." Thielen says about his first BRC event win of 2018, and how it feels to be sitting in the Top 5 of the National Standings.

When asked about the level of competition in the BRC at these events, Thielen replied "...there's lots of good up and coming kids and stuff like that. You've just got to stay on at 'em. That's how you win."

And win he did. With 166.5 points on two, Chase was awarded 385 points toward the BRC Finals and took home over $2,200.00 in cash.

In steps the rookie. Luke Ferber of Irricana, AB, was the only other Cowboy to make two qualified rides at the BRC Byemoor Bull A Rama.

Ferber just started his rookie Season with BRC, and already at the beginning of April he finds himself in the Top 15 of the National Standings. How does that make him feel? "...I'm really happy. I didn't get on much bulls over the winter, but lately I've been going to the practice pens and getting on 5 or 6 a night. So that's helped me quite a bit, but I didn't think it was going to go as good as I have been so far. I'm quite happy it did."

Currently sitting at 12th in the BRC Standings, Ferber fills us in on his goals " goal is to be the BRC National Champion this year and next year, and then hit the pros when I'm 18."

When asked what it means to compete against the level of riders he'll be facing this year, Ferber quite confidently admits "It's a big step up, because it's not what I'm used to, but it is fun competing against a whole bunch of guys that can do just as good as you at any other time. So, it keeps me and my game strong."

Byemoor fans were witness to this strong game Luke refers to, and we are all looking forward to seeing more of it.

Thank you to Chase Thielen and Luke Ferber for submitting their videos:

Visit Bull Riders Canada website for full Event Results and current National Standings.

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