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Another Sold Out Event

Watrous, SK - The 1st Annual Watrous Kinsmen Bull A Rama was a huge success, and took place in front of a sold out (and then some!) crowd. Selling out 700 tickets a week before the event date, the Watrous Kinsmen were able to squeeze in more fans in the 'standing room only' sections.

Fans were gathered in the stands, the mezzanine, and beer gardens " was a heartwarming feeling to see all those people there" says Chris Soroka, Vice President of Watrous Kinsmen and Event Coordinator for the Bull A Rama. The fans and sponsors alike, are already looking forward to next year's event.

View from the Announcer Booth of the crowd. Photo courtesy of Shaun Morton

The eager fans were witness to eight qualified rides in the Long Round, with Micheal Ostashek of Edson, Alberta taking the lead in that round with a well deserved 85 point ride on Thompson Rodeo's Heaven Sent. Mike took home over $1,200.00 in cash and 520 points.

The Canadian Global Championship round showed some fierce competition, with all eight Cowboy's who placed with a qualified ride in the long round, competing against each other once again. The bulls were victorious against all but two - Wacey Finkbeiner from Ponoka, Alberta and Tim Lipsett of Lumsden, Saskatchewan.

Alberta would overcome Saskatchewan when Wacey blew away the crowd with what he referred to as " of the better rides I've ever made in my career." Admittedly not the highest marked ride of his career, but at 87 points - high enough to give him the win - he put a lot of effort into this one. "...he tried me the whole time" Wacey tells BRC of 'that little bull', "...he made me work for it...".

Finkbeiner's work certainly paid off as he ended up the Event Champion with 171 points on two head and $3,396.00 in prize money. With double points for this first stop on the Central Tour, he takes 780 points and lands himself in 1st place in the Central Tour Standings and 5th place in the BRC National Standings.

Thank you to Dustin Edwards for submitting the video clip of Wacey's ride.

Wacey credited his hard work outside of riding bulls to his continued success "...I feel like I’m kinda getting out of it what you put into it. I’ve been working pretty hard during the week to do drills, and stretching in the gym, and it seems to be paying dividends.”

The Watrous Kinsmen Bull A Rama will be back again next sure to get your tickets early!

Visit Bull Riders Canada website for full Event Results and current National Standings.

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