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Moen & O'Flynn Take Home the Win

Delburne & Lamont, Alberta - The Delburne Hillbilly Stomp championship was taken home by BRC Rookie, JB Moen from Elrose, SK. Moen was the only man to make a qualified ride on two head.

" feels pretty good." JB says of his win. "First BRC...can't complain about that. Two good bulls, and they both went great."

In the Long Round, the contestants who took home the money were Wade Marshall of Invercargill, New Zealand in the lead with an 82 on Outlaw Buckers Rodeo Corps' 306 Not Bluffing. That ride saw Wade take home $1,140.00 and 260 points.

Micheal Ostashek was not far behind Marshall bringing in a score of 81 on Vold Rodeo Company's -411 Torn Apart. Chris Hansen also took home some money along with 200 points for the BRC Finals with his mark of 80 on Outlaw Buckers Rodeo Corps' 183 Hanging Tree. JB Moen covered his first of two for the night on Outlaw Buckers Rodeo Corps' 962 Silent Footsteps for 79.5 points.

Heading into the Canadian Global Championship Round, there would be only two cowboys to make the eight second whistle for a qualified ride - both BRC Rookies. Grady Smeltzer took 1st place with an outstanding performance on top of Outlaw Buckers Rodeo Corps' 211 Night Sweats, and for that the Judges awarded him 83.5. Smeltzer is now $1,485.00 richer, with 360 points for the BRC Finals.

JB Moen landed 2nd in the Canadian Global Championship Round on Outlaw Buckers Rodeo Corps' 940 Body Special. Combining that score with his previous ride in the Long Round, Moen ends us as Event Champion with 161.5 points on two head, $1,500.00 cash and 360 points, placing him 19th in the BRC National Standings.

JB is motivated after his win and says "...I'm hoping to hit quite a few of these BRCs...and make the Finals."

Thank you once again to Adrenaline Productions, Outlaw Buckers Rodeo Corp. and Vold Rodeo Company for another great event!

The following night, Lamont and District Agricultural Society hosted the Lamont Bull A Rama Supreme XXV.

Being their 25th anniversary of this event, the Lamont Committee was thrilled with the amount of support they received from in and around the community. "There were at least 1000 fans - about 400 more than last year - the turnout is fantastic!" said Rebecca Joseph, Event Chair.

With thirteen qualified rides in the Long Round, the fans were treated to quite a show! Of all those rides, it was Wyatt Laughlin from Lundbreck, Alberta who took 1st in the round. Wyatt rode Eno Bucking Bulls' 471 Black Caddillac for a solid 83 points. That score would hold up enough for Laughlin to finish 2nd overall, winning $2,766.00 and with points being doubled for this event, he added 560 points which places him 7th in the BRC National Standings.

It was Matt O'Flynn for the win after scoring a 76 in the Long Round, and then pulling out the only qualified ride in the Canadian Global Championship Round. Matt says of his Long Round bull "...I drew a real cool spotted calf of Enos, and just came back into my hand...and spinning about a million miles an hour and just about jerked me down a few times there but, I’ve never been one to quit, so you just gotta stick your chest out and try real hard...".

With momentum heading into the Canadian Global Championship Round, O'Flynn wasn't only thinking about himself. " can’t fall off when you’re that charged up" he says referring to the excitement of his Long Round ride as well as the 81.5 point ride made by his best friend and travelling partner, Lane Cork.

Matt O'Flynn on Eno Bucking Bulls' 311 Done Talkin' - photo courtesy of Wildwood Imagery

Matt gave the sold out crowd what they came to see, with a solid 83 points on the back of Eno Bucking Bulls' 311 Done Talkin'. With a combined score of 159 on two head, the Quesnel cowboy took home $4,682.00 and 700 points, shooting him up to number six in the BRC National Standings.

Visit Bull Riders Canada website for full Event Results and current National Standings.

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