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Momentum & Consistency for Williams

Armstrong, British Columbia - The crew at Cowboy Gaming was host to an amazing crowd who saw an action packed event, all in support of Farm Kids Fund.

Marlon Williams from Lil'wat Nation, BC would be the only Cowboy to make a qualified ride on two bulls and take home the title of Event Champion, the trophy buckle, over $5000.00 prize money, and of course the points for BRC Finals.

Taking first place in Round One, second place in the Canadian Global Championship Round Two, and first in the Average, Marlon won himself a total of 390 points in the Armstrong Bull Riding Challenge, which quickly moved him up to number 12 in the BRC National Standings.

Williams hasn't had the opportunity yet this Season to go to as many BRCs as he'd like, considering he's had a busy spring working as a carpenter in Whistler, BC, as well as running a ranch back home. After his win, he says "...I'm feeling confident and you know, I wanna ride some more."

Marlon Williams - Armstrong Bull Riding Challenge - Photo courtesy of JD Weaver Photography

In talking with Marlon about how important momentum is in bull riding, he replied "...yea absolutely, like the momentum is everything, and it’s consistency too you can have positive momentum and keep the ball rolling forward but it’s about staying healthy and doing your work at home you know, training, doin' what you gotta do and...let the best guy win, right?"

Williams tells us about his first ride in Round One on the bull whose name he couldn't recall on the spot and jokingly says "...I can't remember his name, but he doesn't remember mine either, so it's all good." The bulls name was El Chapo from Pozzobon Bucking Bulls, and the ride won Marlon over $3,600.00 and 100 points. He continues on to say "I rode him across the arena, I was the only guy to ride in the first round so that was really overwhelming. I knew I had my work cut out for me, I had another bull to ride in Round Two."

In Round Two it would be Shane Peters from Delburne, AB who would take the first place spot on S&E Bucking Bulls' Trigger Happy with an 84.5 point ride. Shane remains the number two man in the BRC National Standings, now only 905 points behind Cody Coverchuk of Meadow Lake, SK.

Marlon covered his second bull of the night in the Canadian Global Championship Round Two on S&E Bucking Bulls' Sam I Am. Williams says "...I new he'd bucked off Jackson Scott there the other weekend in Penticton so I was pretty stoked to have him...I knew his pattern. You know it felt good like...I finished picture perfect, jumped off you know. I'm good to go, I'm ready for next weekend...I'm feeling really good."

Marlon Williams - Armstrong Bull Riding Challenge - Photo courtesy of JD Weaver Photography

It is certainly going to be a busy weekend for BRC Bull Riders, we hope they're all feeling good. Best of luck to all of them and we'll see you on the road!

Visit Bull Riders Canada website for full Event Results and current National Standings.

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